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April 2008 Jocelyn Somoza de la Cruz message

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April 2008 Jocelyn Somoza de la Cruz message Empty April 2008 Jocelyn Somoza de la Cruz message

Post by Admin Sat May 10, 2008 9:19 pm

April 2008

Dear Fellow Sillimanian:

Summer classes started last April 7 with 2,444 college students. There are 10 sections for every Humanities subject like Fine Arts 51 (Art Appreciation) to cater to student nurses who are taking the summer term to reduce their regular semester load.

The campus-by-the-sea has become a favorite venue for conferences. Last April 11, the Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA) had their national conference on “Nation Formation, State-building, and Political Science.” The two-day confab had Dr. Carolina G. Hernandez, Professor Emeritus of the University of the Philippines as keynote speaker. Aside from the Filipino political scientists who read their papers, the line of presentors included Yutaka Katayama of Kobe University who spoke on “The Philippine Technocrats and the Authoritarian” and Yusuke Takagi Jr. of Keio University on “A Clash of Ideas and Interests over Decolonization.”

The glories of Sillimanians in Manila are really moments of pride when recognized by a Luzon-centric media. When Mechanical Engineering Junior student Pooyan Hasan Poor, an Iranian, received national recognition when he was selected as one of the new faces of Ray-Ban Philippines after having won the Ray-Ban Rockstar Model Search 2008. Happy to be chosen in the finals at Warehouse 135 Makati, a popular gimmick place, last April 5, Pooyan is thankful to the force behind the glory: his girlfriend Ann Margarette Viente, a senior Mass Communication student of Silliman who was the photographer of the fashion profile they submitted for the contest through e-mail. Ann’s own lovely self-portrait also had her in the Top Ten finalists. But it was her shot of her handsome boyfriend in a soaring animation that got the nod of the judges. The portrait that captured the win means a lot to Ann for it could be her launchpad to a possible career in fashion photography.
President Ben S. Malayang III was speaker at the 7th Annual Knowledge for Development Center Meeting of the World Bank-Manila held April 19 to 23 in Tuguegarao City. Dr. Malayang made a difference with his discussion on the “post-Newtonian university” concept – a challenge for Philippine universities to look beyond their traditional functions. (Visit our website to get details of the interesting points raised in the impressive speech.)
To keep children busy this summer, the SU Church sponsored the Annual Vacation Church School. With the theme “Jesus, Thank You for Healing Me,” the daily activities from April 21 to May 3 included children’s arts and crafts, and a theater workshop. The program has been extended to the less privileged children in Dumaguete through outreach classes in three outlying areas of Junob, Laguna, and Looc. The VCS had 35 volunteer teachers representing adults and youth from SU Church Congregation. Some 364 children were served by the VCS. The Young Adults Fellowship also shared resources for the lugaw feeding activity of the program.

More good news came for Silliman when three Sillimanians were chosen among the Ten Outstanding Students of Region 7 on April 25. All three from Class of 2008 are Magna cum Laude graduates : Business Management graduate Lycar Flores who was president of the student government, Mass
Communication alumna Michelle de Guzman who was editor of the Weekly Sillimanian & Chairperson of the Campus Ambassadors, and Rolando C. Villamero who was governor of College of Education and was noted for his outreach activities as a teacher to differently-abled children in the town of Valencia. We hope that all three will make it to the top 30 bets in the Search for the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines.
TOSR 7 Michelle gave the acceptance speech.

To raise funds for the UP-SU Dual Meet delegation, the Physical Education and Athletics Department together with the Alumni and External Affairs Office mounted the first Adventure Envoy search to welcome the spirit of summer. On April 27, fellow Silllimanian Hon. Bentham P. de la Cruz, the mayor of Amlan, himself a mountain biker, facilitated the adventure tourism amazing race for the Sillimanian young envoys. The race included boating from the parola to the fishermen’s line in the Tañon Strait, biking to a sari-sari store where they had a videoke jam, then hopping into a “ habal-habal” ride (a motorbike with wooden extension for extra passengers). The long day was capped by rafting at the cleanest river of Central Visayas, the Amlan River. Final challenge for the aspiring envoys will be on May 2 which will be the talent showcase with the American Idol format at the Shaw Memorial pool. (visit this blogsite to see pictures of the envoys: )

The Alumni Affairs Director led her staff in an alumni chapter visitation to Bohol. The small gathering of Sillimanians on April 27 at the conference room of the Ramiro Memorial Hospital had Prof. Felix Muga II as an inspirational speaker. Prof. Muga, a native of Bohol, is a visiting professor in Mathematics from Ateneo de Manila. He graduated from Silliman in 1980 Magna cum Laude. The Bohol Sillimanians elected Clydin R. Sapong (BS Psych, 2004) as President. The out-going leader of the group, Prof. Reuel Puracan (BSA, 1975) expressed his gratitude to the Alumni Affairs team for their assistance in revitalizing the Bohol Chapter.

IN MEMORIAM: OBDULIO P. VILLAHERMOSO JR (SUHS Class of 1957) on April 3, LYNDON O. POLINO (BSME Class of 1980) on April 7; REV. JEREMIAS C. ANIÑON (BTH Class of 1959) on April 13; BEULAH BUOT SANDOVAL in Phoenix, Arizona on April 17 and RICARDO L. NAVARRO, JR. on April 23. If you know of a Sillimanian not in our memorial list, please let us know.

Thank you for always being there for dear old Silliman. Dr. Malayang has requested this office to regularly update you on events and activities on the campus and on what the University is doing to continue building up its tradition of excellent Christian learning. We are also interested in knowing what you and your alumni chapter are doing. Please keep in touch and update your file with our office if you have not done so. We would truly appreciate it. You may reach the President’s Office at: or our Alumni Affairs Office at: or

For a Greater Silliman,

Jocelyn “Jong” Somoza de la Cruz

cc: President Ben S. Malayang III

Number of posts : 31
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Registration date : 2007-11-09

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