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Announcement FORUM RULES AND REGULATION ---must read!

Post by Octoceasar Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:06 am

farao Forum Rules:
All members are to respect the thoughts, opinions, and the right to forum use of all other members. Any personal discrepancies between members should either be dealt with outside of the site, or through site staff. Failure to abide by these rules may result in a ban from Sillimanian 'KO Forum.

Moderators and Administrators will investigate all matters to the best of our abilities when brought to our attention. Administrators have right to check pm's in the case that we are under the suspicion that someone is breaking any rules or harrassment.

Arrow NO Spamming. This includes:
- when posting a response to a thread, it must add to the overall discussion value of the thread (responses that merely agree with previous posts or add nothing to the topic are spam and will be deleted).
- posts which do not adhere to the boundaries of the thread posted in.
- threads which are placed in inappropriate forums.
- useless threads/posts. ("I have a cat" or similar threads are considered useless.)
- threads with topics which already exist. Please observe previous threads for an existing topic before creating a new one. If duplicate threads are made they will locked or deleted.
- flame posts.
- " is my favorite" threads, please. Such posts are only permissable in the context of general "favorites" threads (eg, a "Who's your favorite character?" thread).

Arrow No threads, sigs, links or ANYTHING with hentai or other adult material. Don't even ask. Administrators will take it down personally if need be.

Arrow No obscenities or any other inappropriate behavior.
-This includes discrimination against someone for their sexual, religious, racial, or ethnic characteristics. Actions such as these will not be tolerated and will result in a ban.

Arrow Language usage shall be limited to English, Tagalog, and Cebuano to facilitate thorough moderation of the posts.

Arrow Privacy Policy (this is for your own good, people):
Don't post personal information like your address and telephone number on the forums. If you wish to share such information, please do so only with trusted individuals, and in a private manner, such as through e-mail or private messaging.
Also, do not violate any other user's privacy by publishing information that is private and personal.

Arrow Seperate Forum rules
Please be sure to also pay attention to any additional rules for a particular forum. These seperate forum rules are only to be followed in that particular forum. Those rules were created to suit the needs of that particular forum that they were created for.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:14 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Amendments of Rules and Regulation.)
SK Freshman
SK Freshman

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Age : 32
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Registration date : 2007-11-09

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